Thursday, January 26, 2012

Choose who you will believe... you are who He says you are!!

Received a message about a girl who is anorexic based upon being called fat and ugly when she was a child.  People can be ugly and hateful to others... whether it is calling someone fat, ugly, stupid, not good enough, etc. Satan will use anything he can think of to steal, kill and destroy God's people. People act and speak out of the nature they have.  Those who don't have their minds renewed by the Word of God and the blood of the Lamb will act out of the nature they have... satan is their master. 

Being born again transforms us from being under the sway of the evil one, to being new creatures in Christ Jesus.  Sad for this girl, but her hope is in Christ revealing to her the lies she believes "she is ugly, fat etc" and letting her know who she really is... a precious child of the living King who loves her enough to have died and rose again for her! 

Self esteem comes from knowing who we are in Christ and letting Him bring healing to the wounds  (fiery darts-lies) of the enemy satan.  For in Christ Jesus we are more than conquerors, we are who He says we are.. Kings and priests unto God, His friend, His sons and daughters who He loves so very much! Let us focus on Christ Jesus who loves us and came to give us abundant life, not death and destruction! We are who He says we are.  (John 3:16, John 10:10, Rev. 1:5-6, Hebrews 12:2)     Blessings to you, as you discover in Christ who you really are...      In Christ, Pastor Sandy

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