Friday, March 18, 2011

This love is so deep....

 Jesus, Lord, Master, I want to hear your heart beat...

The more I seek you,
the more I find you.

The more I find you,
the more I love you.

I wanna sit at your feet
drink from the cup in your hand.
Lay back against you and breath,
hear your heart beat...

This love is so deep,
it's more than I can stand.
I melt in your peace, it's overwhelming...

The more I seek you,
the more I find you.

The more I find you,
the more I love you..
Artist: Kari Jobe

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Our God!!!! His presence is felt, seen.. Psalms 46:1

Some days there are moments when your heart overfills with such joy that you can barely contain it! Today is one of those for me!

God's presence is everywhere on this Spring day! His beauty is in the flowers, in the warmth of the sunshine, in the vibrancy of the tender green shoots of grass coming up, in the fluffy white clouds floating by, and in the incredible Carolina blue sky!  Joy is bubbling up inside of me... am so thrilled to be alive and know our God!! Our Lord! Our Savior!! Our precious JESUS CHRIST!!!

He is so awesome, so overwhelming, so ever present, so real!!  His love over flows towards us... We bow before you Creator, Master, Lord, in gratitude that you call us your own, that You call us friend.

Let all of heaven and earth worship You today, Father... You are so very deserving! You alone are worthy!

Thank You Lord, that even in the midst of trials, earthquakes, death, devastation, You bring us hope, through your abundant love for us.  You call us to join in unity for one another, to work beside each other to bring help, to bring encouragement, to love as You love.  You enable us to reach those who grieve with your comfort, to cry with them but also point them to your promises of a better tomorrow!

Oh God, thank You! Thank You for this beautiful day full of hope! Father, carry your warmth, your over flowing presence, your love to those around this world who are struggling now.  Share with them our portion so they may know you are with them... God reach out with your love to those in New Zealand, in New Jersey, and now in Japan! Father, pour out yourself on your people, giving them some of the joy You have given us this day, our brothers/sisters need You... Oh God, love on them, show yourself strong on their behalf.  In Jesus Name.

If you are in need of God's presence, let the words of this song wash over you, and rise up in hope, for God is for you!  Be encouraged, for "our God is greater than any other"!!  There will come a new day...

Psalms 46:1  God is our refuge and strength, A very present help in trouble. (NKJV)

Hallelujah, let God be praised! To God be all Glory!!

Click on link below: Chris Tomlin: Our God

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

BGEA: Heartbreak and Healing in Japan

BGEA: Heartbreak and Healing in Japan

God cares about us and wants to answer our questions!

God cares for all those folks in Japan who are suffering right now, and the rescue workers who are putting their lives on the line to try to bring order to the chaos. He cares so very deeply... 

I read an article where one lady felt that perhaps God doesn't want us to know what He is up to in our lives, and feels that we should blindly accept difficulties as His will. My answer to her is the following:

First, God cares about the very number of hairs on our head.  He loves us so much that He gave His Son, Jesus Christ, for us even while we were turned totally against Him in our lives. Are we to think that He doesn't want us to understand Him, His ways or walk with Him as a friend would?

Yes, He is sovereign and we are to submit, as believers, to His will and purposes.  But He is a loving God.  He gave us His Son, to allow us through Jesus to be able to enter into His inner chambers, in other words, direct access to the Father.  He gave us His Word/Bible as direction to His will so we wouldn't be left out in the blind. He gave us His Holy Spirit to lead us, to speak to our hearts, to help us know Him.  His Word gives us His known will, and through the growth of our relationship with Him, through the Holy Spirit, we can develop our ears to hear and our hearts to follow.  We aren't to wonder around blindly not understanding Him.

Further, He didn't make us puppets, to not question Him.  He encourages us to question, to seek Him til we find Him... to know Him and be known.  

Yes, we are to trust Him when we don't understand, but it is an opportunity to press in closer to Him to grow in Him and understand Him and His will/purposes.  So when life's boat rocks, it
is not a time to throw up our hands and say "oh well, God is sovereign and I'll just put up with it." No, it is a time to press in to Him, to claim His promises, to receive His abundant life even in the storm, to hear His voice and in all, to trust because we know our God.  He does want our trust, but He also wants to share His heart with us. 

When we don't understand events, He is patiently waiting for us to turn to Him with our cries, our hurts, our concerns and He will answer.   (Psalms 116:1-2, NLT)

He will never leave us nor forsake us.. even in the storms of life.  So press in...

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Jehovah RAPHA, The Lord our Healer: Exodus 15:26

Welcome to our Blog!

Please be patient with me while I learn how to use this program, eventually... with God's Grace, we'll have this up and running to be able to help you learn about Christ's Healing for your Spirit, Soul and Body!! 

Healing is yours through Christ Jesus!!!