Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Come on Christian's, Let's Love Each Other

Today was a day when you realize why the enemy makes headway sometimes with the lost. Our example as Christians may be the only Christ the non-believer ever sees or hears.  Don't you wish Christians would quit squabbling over scripture, and love one another even though many of us may be of different denominations, different doctrinal stances!  Seems to me that the greatest gift is love... you know "for God so loved", God is love, the love of Christ drove Him to the cross, etc. I think we should major in the majors and in all things, speak love to one another. I am not saying we should not know that which we believe nor that we are to be easily persuaded away from doctrinal truths.

I recently heard a song that says "They will know us by our love".  There are people (non-believers) out there who are watching us, some seeking truth, others seeking any reason to not know Christ.  What kind of witness is it when we bitterly argue with one another, speak evil of one another, tear each other apart.   Let's guard our speech and make it all acceptable before God, let's speak evil of no one, let's love one another even to the point that our love for one another causes the lost non-believer to desire this kind of love too.

Join me in making this a heart felt prayer... that Christ would help us love as He loved.. in thought, word and in deed. 

In Jesus Name, Pastor Sandy

1 comment:

  1. So true Pastor Sandy, it is as if some are just waiting for the chance to find something they can argue over. And they want to prove their point so badly they don't care who gets caught in the crossfire. And those of us who try to get along with others are seen as weak and lacking in scripture knowledge. But, blessed are the peace makers for they shall be called the children of God. Matt.5:9 I would rather be a child of God than win every argument. Padre Jim.
