Saturday, April 14, 2012

Sight in your scope....

So often we get distracted from what God has called us to, or in other words His purpose and plan for our life, by yielding to our flesh in managing things ourselves.  We think that if it is a good thing, then it must be God's direction for our life when often times it isn't. The enemy of our souls comes to side track us... he will whisper things that seems to be good, when they are just a little off God's plan. No, not totally off but just enough that you will miss your mark. 

Any of you ever shot a Bow with an arrow? In my new town folks here love to target shoot. Well, any marksman knows that if your scope is off by just a little the trajectory of the arrow or the bullet will be off by quite a bit. That's why it is important to sight in your gun before going hunting.... to make sure you hit your target, right?

God has called each of us for a unique purpose. His voice is known by His sheep but we must listen to hear Him.  Scripture says let him who has ears to hear, let him hear.  This means we must be in tune to Him, having a heart yielded to Him to hear Him. God is a Spirit, and speaks to our spirit.   Getting in tune to God is like sighting in your scope on a rifle... it allows you to take a better aim, as to not miss the goal or target.  Getting in tune to hearing God's voice takes time with Him, yes you will have some mistakes in which He is quick to forgive if you ask Him, but you press on in being yielded and teachable.

When we are not teachable, then we won't hear God as well.  We will stumble along, wondering why God isn't answering our prayers but in reality we are not lined up with God's Word, His will or His purpose for us. We are praying for things that aren't in His plan for us. Thank God, He doesn't answer all our prayers... for we surely would make more of a mess of our lives than we have.

Let's resolve to draw close to God and let Him teach us and let Him lead us through giving us His peace in our inner man. Setting our priorities based upon what He says do, not basing priorities on our thoughts or feelings or by what seems good.

Let's have ears to hear. 

In Christ, Pastor Sandy

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