Monday, April 23, 2012

Listen and speak with a heart of love

Communication between two people can be difficult... one person has a background, education, life experiences, up bringing different than another so therefore will hear words spoken or read body language perhaps differently than they were sent.

It is so essential when communicating with another person that we listen past their words seeing their heart. "Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks." Matthew 12:33 Words can have many different meanings, but the intent of the communication is what we should be listening for.

Words can be misunderstood when the communication is based solely upon the words themselves. If we view those we love and who love us through eyes of love... we then would see the intent of their heart as they speak causing far less arguments and far greater understanding.

Often woundedness within ourselves causes communication breakdowns. Hurting people hurt people, albeit unintentionally we can hope. Knowing a person's inward wounds and sensitivities will allow us to extend grace and not take to heart when something they communicate doesn't quite sit right with us. Love covers a multitude of sins... let's believe the best of the person by extending grace and listening with a heart of love.

Hope this helps someone, felt compelled to write it tonight... even more so as Ministers, we need this reminder. Love and Grace, let that be the salt and pepper of your speech and heart as you communicate with others in your life.

1 Peter 3:9 "Do not repay evil with evil or insult with insult, but with blessing, because to this you were called so that you may inherit a blessing." NIV

In Christ,
Pastor Sandy of

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